
When magazines come alive

A weird title, I know. It's the title of a drawing/graphic/whateveryoucallitasdfghjkl I've been working on.
As you can see, the model notices a KitKat on the table and it's so delicious that she becomes alive and reaches out of the magazine to take it. :-P (watch out your magazines don't do this at home lol)

It's made 100% by me, and I decided to keep the outline/sketch because it gives the graphic a special cartoon-ish effect. The background is not very creative, but it works nicely as a contrast to the bright red chocolate.

The only mistake is that the KitKat is too small in comparison to the magazine, just pretend it's a KitKat Mini. Problem solved.

Opinions PLEASE? :D



Practice graphic

Hello, people. No, I'm not dead. But it's been so long since I made a graphic that I decided to make a new one. It's not a big thing, just a dress I found on Topshop for practice.
It turned out even worse than I expected, my expectations were probably too high lol.
But I still like it a little bit, the cute necklace almost makes up for the horrible shading.

What do you think?


EDIT: I lowered the opacity a bit because the shading looks too choppy. Do you think this version is better?
It's not as bright, but the shading is blended in more smoothly.