

I've just finished a graphic of one of the people who volunteered to be a practice model, xXx...koolgirl. Here it is:
I think the head turned out a bit too big. But I'm not going to change anything, I'd rather work on something new. Oh wait, I forgot the nail polish, so this is not completely done yet!


What do you think?

Hi guys! I have made a new graphic, do you think I should use it for my banner, or keep the old one? Which is better?

What do you think about it?



MeDoll with and without makeup

Just in case I need to use it for anything.
You might wonder why the lips are red if I like nude lipstick, but it's because lipstick is slightly transparent and it's important that the right color comes underneath to make it look natural.
That's all for now :)

Outfits Over Time 2

Today I've changed my doll's outfit from a comfortable and relaxed white jumpsuit to a more sophisticated but also colourful look. What do you think?


My graphics until now

Here are some of my first graphics. As I said before, I am a beginner so these are almost the only ones I've made. Today I installed Gimp and tried to use it, but it's sooo much more confusing! It takes some time getting used to! But anyway, here they are!
(I left a lot of space in case I wanted to add text and make it into banner, I better crop it)
This is my first graphic EVER, based on a picture of me (that's why the legs look so small and fat). The shading is not too horrible for a first time though.

A graphic of me holding my beloved cat Smiley (I haven't seen him for 2 days now, oh Smiley where are you? D:). The head looks weird because on the photo I was looking down with a bent head, and you don't look straight ahead with a bent head, right? I might change the eyes, but I'd rather make something new.
My third graphic with the trendy colour mint. I am quite pleased with the result, because I drew the shirt, bracelet, hair and shoes myself!
This one is quite good, except that the black thing in the top of the dress looks out of place - Because originally it was sort of the same color as the dress, just ruffled. But when I tried to make the ruffle structure it looked wrong. Then I tried to add black ruffles, and that looked even worse. To save several hours of work I decided to make it black. It looks okay, I guess. Oh, and the hair is taken from my real meDoll.
This is on the banner, because I don't have any other graphic that is small/short enough to fit in as a banner. Maybe this time I didn't add enough shading on the top, but when I tried to it looked wrong and out of place, I don't know why. But today I have found a picture in a lying pose, so if it comes out better than this I might use it instead.

But that's all for now,

P.S. If you read this, remember to use the ratings to vote and maybe leave a comment! :D


My outfit right now

I guess I'll call this Outfits Over Time! Here is my meDoll is wearing at the moment:
It's casual, comfortable and suitable for spring! What do you think?


I have finally made my own portfolio/private blog, where I will post my graphics (I am a beginner, don't judge by professional standards), drawings, my me doll's outfits (so I can see how my style has changed over time) and stuff like that. I will NOT post similar stuff to what I write on The Voice, because I only write 'real' posts where someone can see them, and I can't be bothered to advertise and check how many visitors/followers I have.
You can visit my suite by clicking HERE.
I will now update on the few graphics I have done before now. :)

P.S. The banner is probably my last graphic on Seashore (sort of a simplified version of Gimp), now I'm going to download the real Gimp! I'm excited!