About me

As you might already know, my name is Maria and I am 13 years old.
I am obsessed with Stardoll, everything that contains chocolate or cocoa powder and FOOD! Weird, right?
I love reading good books, blogs and looking at others' graphics (and making my own of course). I am not that good at graphics yet, but hopefully I'm improving.
I'm the sort of person who does their absolute best for projects and activities that they are interested in, but doesn't put ANY effort in something boring (like homework)! Some parents blame their children for not reading and writing enough, but my parents get angry when they see me sitting with a book or lying in bed with my computer - but that's probably because I do it all the time.
I am clumsy, get easily confused and have absolutely no abilities for organizing my time. You might have figured that out if you have been waiting for a requested graphic for some time!

I love fashion and blogging.

  - Maria

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you read Harry Potter?