
A pause?

Don't panic because of the title. No, I'm not leaving and I'm not holding a month-long break. You can call it a Harry Potter break, I guess. (I'm not joking. it's the first time I'm reading Harry Potter and the goblet of fire). And if you have read/seen it too, I think you will understand why my mind is filled with other things than graphics and Stardoll. Even my favorite tv-series and cartoons (I love cartoons! :3) seemed boring! And THAT means serious stuff.
I will start making graphics again later, but right now I'm just tired of it. Please be patient.


1 comment:

Graphics Unmasked said...

Just a reminder that if you want to be in the Graphics Unmasked challenge you must post a comment on this post; http://graphicsunmasked.blogspot.com/2012/08/challenge.html with your banner. Entries will close in three days.