
FlirtyValentine's graphic for banner

I made a graphic for FlirtyValentine's banner. She can add the text herself. Here it is:

The dress is a bit rough at the bottom, I can try to fix it or simply pretend that it's meant to be like that. At least, if you make a banner with a dark or coloured background it won't be noticed. Except for that, there are no big mistakes this time, but no huge improvements either.
I started it yesterday evening, and finished today. I guess it took about an hour or two. First I wanted to use a graphic I had already and just put her face in, but then I realized that I had already added skin shading so it would be a waste of time to erase, and it wasn't that good anyway.

What do you think about it? If you find some more faults, I will edit it and post the updated version later!

 - Maria/mgirl07


FlirtyValentine said...

Thank you, it's great and I love it!!
I would add text to it alone, thank you..
I have a question - How can I add text if the background is transparent??
Thank you again!
Also, can I edit it a bit??

Maria ☺ said...

Of course you are welcome to edit it, it's your graphic! And you can easily add text on a transparent background unless you are using Paint or something. I'm glad you liked it!