Can you readers actually see the rating bar at the bottom of the page? Once when I used a library computer to go on the internet it wasn't there, and now on my computer the ratings don't show up! I have been wondering why the number of visitors is increasing and I get some comments, but no ratings! I went back to my old posts, that I saw were rated before, but now it says '0 ratings' on them too!
If you can't see it, or it makes the blog load slowly or anything else, please let me know it and I'll replace it with the 'reactions' tabs.
Thank you so much,
- Maria/mgirl07
I can see it but i don't notice it sometimes. Is better with reactions tabs i think.
I can see it.
P.S. I think it would be better if you removed the whole thing where you "prove your not a robot" because it's time consuming and discourages people from commenting. I always have to do it more than once because they make it so blury.
@StarMinimon: the problem is, that there are usually only 3 or 4 reactions, and some of the reactions don't match to what the people want to say! When showing your opinion on a graphic, a rating is much more exact. But I agree, it is very small.
@mandylou4: Fixed! Sorry, I didn't know word verification was on! It's changed now!
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