I was working on a new graphic and it was turning out really beautiful. I had just spent 2 hours on it. From the beginning, my program reacted slowly and I had to click on some things several times to get them to work. And suddenly... it closed down! All of it! My beautiful new graphic which was almost finished, and it just closed down!!!
I am so angry right now that I want to scream! (but I can't, my little brother is sleeping)
So instead, you'll get this (very quickly sketched drawing by a person who is trying not to scream)
Why does life have to be like that? It was like my best graphic so far!
I know. I was working for hype and it was in gimp, then my computer just shut down. I was so mad!
I know how you feel. One my program was working then it stopper working for a month. ~Alana/ask510
My computer usually doesnt shut down... Instead GIMP freezes and i have to close it :( my work destroyed,, xD
I know what You feel, can't imagine Your anger
this would be a bad time to say I have autosave :P
But I did something stupid once: I spent like 5 bajillion years creating a page for HYPE, and when I was going to save it, Photoshop asked me if I wanted to save it and I clicked 'no'.
POOF! everything was gone. it's worse when you know you're the one who brought the burden on yourself :3
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