I am in a very good mood today, because I won Medoll of the Month on USD!!! Seriously, I couldn't believe it!
Anyway, back to the point of this post...
The raffle was due yesterday, and I have got 9 entries. I know that's quite much... but if there were just two more entries, the Superstar winner would get 5 stardollars more!
The prizes were:
- 30sd and a cupcake gift if you want one for the superstar/royalty winner
- You will be on the next banner of this blog together with me and a cupcake gift if you want one for the non-ss winner.
There were 6 non-ss entries, and 3 superstar/royalty entries.
And now you will find out who the winners are.
*DRUMROLL* (I know I can add a drumroll to the videos below, but my little brother is sleeping and I don't want to wake him up)
The superstar/royalty winner:
The non-ss winner:
Congratulations to the winners and thank you for participating to the others!
P.S. If you have a question about anything, if you can't see the video, if I have spelled one of the names wrong or anything else please let me know!
Ooo Thank you so much! ~ask510
Thanks so much!^^ Crystallam2000
I love your hair. Haha. :)
Congrats to the winners!
@Mandylou4: hahah, thanks! My hair hasn't been cut since, like, February though! I need to go to a hairdresser soon, and then I would like to dip-dye my hair.
^^OOO I just dip dyed my hair pink! ~ask510
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